6 Pages

Sep 27, 2008

Believe it or Not ?

This is the room where DC related service providers (speech pathologist and a school social worker) were assigned to work at Jefferson Junior High School located in SW. I don't think it gets any worse than this. As a WTU Building Representative for citywide teachers and related service providers - I am appalled at what I see. For too long providers have been fighting the battle for appropriate work spaces across this city . Imagine if you will attempting to provide services to special education students in this wholly mess ! Jefferson administrator gets an ' F ' for failing to honor the WTU contract provision which states that all related service providers must be provided an 'appropriate workspace.' Posted by Candi.


  1. I imagine it would take them weeks/months and a lot of man power to clean all of this up. And then the question is where would they store all of this mess ? I know many of the providers in my school only come 2.5 days a week- so go figure with a schedule like that it will take even longer to clean all of this up. Is the DCPS motto still Children First??? Hmmmm !

  2. Looks like they used it for storage! How are the class rooms looking with the substitutes helping out with students in the other rooms in the building ? Please show after pictures and you can do it ! "Proud Mary!" Rock on !Crank it up ! Galveston,Texas just had their school buildings washed away.A thought to keep ya going !"Who'll Stop The Rain." God Bless!When you need a laugh watch the Orginal Hamster Dance ! The Disney nice version !We need to monitor the inner net !

  3. Pass the smelling salts !WE WANT AFTER PICTURES WHEN YOU FINISH !

  4. Pizza and refreshments to the speech and social workers room ! They need help with their room for all the wonderful things they'll do this year ! Can you say, "Red Alert ?" So,help me if a mouse jumps out one there boxes...." Kidding !Send in shock treatment and psychology to get them through it !

  5. So help me if a mouse jumps out one of those boxes.The address of character is often determined on the corner of adversity ave. and determination drive !Is that there a mouse is that box ?What can we do to cheer ya up ? We need the troops to teacher's !
