6 Pages

Sep 4, 2008

A DC Teacher's Lament ......

"Amazing we continue to have learning happen, even under these conditions. What better job could we do if we had good lighting, adequate space, good air flow and constant temperatures. Maybe that should be considered in the No Child Left Behind recommendations." - 2nd grade teacher

What its Like on the Inside of Anacostia High School...

Candi, "I was curious if you could lead me in the right direction to someone I can trust. I have been assigned to Anacostia High school, effective this week. I am so distressed and overwhelmed. I have been given a run around via HR, Special Education, and the WTU. Besides, Anacostia HS being a disgrace, it is filthy, and unsanitary for humans to be required to work there. It is not fit for students or teachers. It smells of dead animals, human waste, and the paint is very old, cracking, lots of broken lighting and windows, poor plumbing (running toilets) poor ventilation, and non working air conditioners. Every teacher does not have a computer as was reported last year. No elevators for staff or the handicapped to reach the third floor. Basically I feel the school should be closed, immediately to another building. Please send the city/state inspection crew out to this school and the media, immediately. I am mandated to report there and get nauseated everyday smelling the stench. Rhee's newspaper report that the schools are ready is simply a lie. Well, at least not - Anacostia SHS.

One other interesting thing I noticed that they are currently installing a new football field. The school has over 300 special education students and currently does not have sufficient classrooms, textbooks, and supplies. I wonder where the special education funding is going to... the new football field? I have yet to be given a class schedule." From an Anacostia Teacher. Posted by Candi.


  1. sad.........another point for Rhee/Fenty!

  2. Anacostia High School has been a concern for me for some time. It appears to lack a parent apparatus that can advocate for students downtown. Candi, are you aware of any nonprofits that help support motivated students academically at Anacostia High in the 9th and 10th grade years?

  3. Souldrummer: Thanks for dropping in. I have posted your question. Hopefully, others will recommend some local resources for Anacostia students. I too will keep my eyes and ears open!

  4. Get the teachers and principle together and go down town with pictures.Go let Obama.Gov on line know !Millions on line organized for grassroots support.How much does a maintance team cost to clean up that school ? Not enough to have an excuse for the school to be dirty.How's security? You are a bold and brave angel souldrummer.Invite Obama to the school building !Will the students help paint and clean for an after school job ? Contractors? How about bake sales to raise the money to pay for a maintance team ?Call the troops to teachers !Ya'll need to get the principle and go downtown !

  5. Get in the back of the pick-up truck and call the churches ! Ya know if you don't make AYP the principle has to put two teachers on a 90 day plan per Rhee.Call CNN for America to see !It's a call to action !

  6. Call the University students and ask them to get in their painting and cleaning geer.For interests greater than onesself !Call the radio stations and rock the school house with some jams ! Clean up party is on !We've invited Obama to the building ? You never know and God works in mysterious ways !

  7. If you build it they will come ! School building rocking,don't bother knocking, cause the doors are falling off the hinges anyway.We need some mops up in here and Pine Sol with the powerful scent of clean ! Everybody do the Orginal Hampster Dance ! Pray and keep your sense of humor ! School teachers paint school building with University students and it's on the news !They're rocking at Anacostia !

  8. Tone,organization and vision...see it clean and painted ! Call the art departments and watch those young Americans find American themes that are educationally driven for the walls.It's creative arts month at Anacostia ? Call Guskey and Marzano !It's unity and team working together to paint and clean their school building ! Get up your seat,stomp your feet,come together !Stand up ! Get up !What a fun project and get the students involved ! You know you've got creativity blooming all over that school building !
