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Jan 25, 2010

Chasing Down Chancellor Michelle Rhee Tonight on Channel 4 News

This just in. NBC Channel 4 is hunting down Chancellor Michelle Rhee to get her statement about the remarks that she made about DC teachers molesting students, abusing students and abusing their leave. Please check them out tonight on channel 4 @ 5 and 6 pm.
DC Schools chancellor Michelle Rhee still hasn't explained her comments to a magazine that some of the teachers fired last October sexually abused students. The teachers union wants to know more about this ... and lots of parents do, too. We're chasing this story down tonight on News 4 at 5 and 6.
Channel 7 will also air another broadcast featuring Sam Ford @ 5 pm.


  1. she's running scared -- she finally put that foot in her big mouth and hopefully someone will put their foot in her f*** a** and kick her straigt to sacramento!

  2. Did Rhee show up at her office today?

  3. but she lied in court to a judge saying she those people because of budgetary reasons, and the judge went along with her case. i understand fenty acted like he did not understand what a reporter asked him about her comments. both of them need to go. i read somewhere that rhee was involved in something similar about clearing her future husband's name about some sexual allegations. something is definitely wrong with this big picture.

  4. Rhee Letter - responding to DC City Council can be found at:


    R Teacher

  5. Please take a look at the newsweek article about Rhee and the situation that's happening in DC.


  6. I am physically sick over this and what has occured over the past few months. As a newly hired teacher who was let go in October, it just seems like Rhee is trying to ruin as many teachers as she can in the name of justifying her initial wrong actions. She is simply tending the garden of contoversy so that her own inadequacies will continue to be ignored.
