6 Pages

Jan 18, 2012

Vote For The Washington Teacher Blog's Fascination Award!

Dear Washington Teacher blog readers:

I want to thank many of my loyal readers who continue to check out The Washington Teacher blog regularly. As you may have noticed, I have taken a short-term break from blogging. After writing this blog for three years, while maintaining my full-time job at DCPS- I felt the need for a little R & R (rest and relaxation.) It is my intention to return to blogging again by February 2012. Please stay tuned. Many interesting topics and stories have come across my desk which I look forward to sharing with you.

As you may recall in 2008 - I started The Washington Teacher blog. Initially, I began writing about Washington Teachers' Union (WTU) controversial Red and Green Tier Tentative Agreement which was proposed by then WTU President George Parker and former DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee. It was my goal to shed light on the pitfalls that this contract proposal would impose and discourage DC teachers and school staff from voting in favor of this agreement. At that time,  I believed that  it would likely lead to union members' massive terminations.  

Over the past three years, The Washington Teacher blog became a labor of love for me. During the Rhee/Fenty years, I wrote extensively about former DC Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee and was frequently characterized as one of Rhee's most strident critics. With help from DC Public Schools insiders and outsiders, I was able to tell the other side of the public education reform story that the mainstream media refused to report.

An article I wrote in 2010 titled "Rhee's Firing Squad Terminates Sizable Number Of DC Teachers" recently earned The Washington Teacher blog a nomination for a Fascination Award: 2011's Most Fascinating Teaching blog by Online PhD Degree. The Fascination Awards are an annual collection of the web’s most inspirational and thought-provoking blogs and are nominated by an editorial team and voted on by blog readers.

I am excited about this nomination. I need your support to win. Won't you please vote for The Washington Teacher blog?  I know I can count on YOU! Voting begins January 21st at 12:01 AM (EST) and ends January 26th. The blog with the most votes by January 26th at 11:59 PM (EST) will win.  Vote for me by clicking the link in red below or click on the vote for me picture on the top right of this blog:

Candi Peterson
AKA The Washington Teacher blogger


  1. I have always loved your blog. Congrats to you.

  2. Thanks Linda! I appreciate your support.

  3. What happened to Vince Gray on his way to office? Talked tough and hard at the Oct. Teacher Rally. I figured with AFT/WTU support there might be a few bones tossed out. I haven't seen any.(re: teacher terminations, harassment and the cheating scandal that besmirches all DC teachers - guilty or innocent. Those still here and the TFA's who have since left. {Now that's angle that should be explored.}) I have seen his embrace of charters and attendance at charter school events. Probably necessary as the 'one city' mayor but, why the possible wholesale sale of DCPS properties? More importantly, why the selection of friendly charter school personnel to positions like Deputy Mayor for Ed. and at OSSE? Once again DC students and residents will be getting screwed, this time by someone they thought would advocate for them. Hey Vince- send some flowers and wine.

    The Rogue Teacher
