6 Pages

Jun 14, 2012

More DCPS Staff Excesses Next Week!

excess : an elimination of a position at a particular school due to a decline in student enrollment, reduction in the local school budget, a closing or restructuring, or a change in the local school program when such an elimination is not a reduction in force or abolishment.

Written By Candi Peterson

More DC Public Schools employees are due to be excessed at the beginning of next week. Inside sources report that emails were initially sent from Human Capital Chief, Jason Kamras to principals authorizing excess letters to be delivered on the last day of school Thursday, June 14. However, excesses have now been postponed until Monday, June 18.  Employees who will be excessed are non-WTU members and include a variety of school based positions.


  1. Thank you for being on top of things. It is sad that employees are being informed at the last minute about their positions. Apparently, the Principal at Theodore Roosevelt SHS didn't need a letter from HR, because I was informed that I was being excessed a few months ago when the budget came out. He actually informed all of us but, somehow HR have denied the information each time, I have communicated with them. I'm very concerned because the principal uses this as his way of stringing employees along but, HR could have told us like he did. Mr.Mitchell, tries hard but, HR need to give him a refresher course on how to inform employees they no longer have a job.

  2. SPED coordinators are in this next round of people getting the axe! Its mind boggling that DCPS no longer funds this position.....We are going to find ourselves in more litigation with special education.

  3. DCPS is biting off their nose to spite their face by excessing Special Education Coordinators. The money that they will need to pay to get out of this hole of special education non-compliance that they have dug for all of us will be insurmountable! The system is truly run by amateurs!

  4. So who ended up losing their jobs this time around. Special ed coordinators; but then I heard school psychologist; but then I heard they were taking over the special ed coordinator responsibilities and then I heard the school psychologist were becoming part of the local school budget and principals were determining whether or not to fire them and then I heard that anyone excessed didn't get placed. This is really worst than a bad soap opera -- What is what/
