6 Pages

Apr 14, 2010

Rhee Says 'BAD MATH Lead' To Teacher Firings !

A serious budget shortfall mysteriously disappears and now more than 260 D.C. teachers want their jobs back. They are outraged over the math error within DC Public Schools reported by Chancellor Rhee that has led to a new revelation of a $34 million surplus. Yesterday a number of DC City Council member issued press releases expressing their outrage that this math error led to the wrongful terminations of 266 DC teachers and approximately 120 other employees. What is curious to many is that Rhee who knew about this supposed math error much earlier this year was not transparent and did not provide this information to the DC Council until yesterday. When Rhee was asked if she will reinstate the wrongfully terminated teachers back to work, she said no.

Posted by The Washington Teacher


  1. Please, please tell me that is not true. If that is true and she is allowed to remain as chancellor (or whatever the title is), then this city as a whole has to be held accountable. If this is true then we must all call for her resignation by not only writing to the city council, but also petitioning the Department of Education and the White House to help us restore our School Board and get her out of her. I WAS A STAUNCH SUPPORTER OF HERS WHEN SHE FIRST CAME HERE!! I am an African American educator who is in my 60's. However, her incompetence has forced me to change my mind.

    If this is true that she disrupted the lives of students, teachers and their families due to mismanagement. Then we must unite and call for her ouster.

  2. Lets not forget, not only teachers were Rif'd.

  3. Elections are coming later this year, so who knows if "bad math" is part of the equation to get votes ...
    I was at DCPS for one year and so happy got out in time before all the insanity started hitting teachers and administrators right and left.

  4. I hear she's blaming the whole math problem on Ghandi.

    Let's see if his head rolls before hers.

  5. I've officially turned from a wait and see, maybe the result will justify the means position to Rhee must go. I was already not voting for Fenty in the fall, but this is the final nail. Deliberate or gross incompetence, this type of action is unacceptable.

  6. Now Candi and company what is needed is labor union lawyers. I really hope that my fellow colleagues are reinstated and that the word RIF is excessed out of DC's terminology. Clearly, RIF is not synonymous to "bad teachers" and definitely "bringing in new teachers."

  7. I sometimes get the feeling that teachers who comment here and on the Post blogs are, you know, not in the "majority" when it comes to Educators. The commenters might be mad as heck, with some reason, but hardly any one from DC showed up at Saturday's rally.

  8. anon @ 5:36 - You're not a union supporter, are you?

    What were you doing at the demonstration, towering over the others?

  9. anon at 5:36 is know on the Post as axototl

  10. I'm afraid that this won't get the publicity that it needs. The reason is that as much as Gray wants to make this a Fenty thing (which it is), the reality is that Gray and the rest of the City Council own just as much of the blame. Just so sad.

  11. I also saw it was plain as day that the majority of the "crowd" on the home turf was fm other states, Mr. phillipmarlowe. Don't youu share in the disappointment? But myself drifted over from the Cherry Blossoms Parade and afterwards to tje Japan Folk Festivl on Pennsylvamia Avenue.

  12. I was a participant at the rally. I was not disappointed by the turnout. Most major causes when you get down to it are started by a small group of people. I applaud all who came out to support those who traveled from out of state as well as locally.

    If we are not part of the solution then we are part of the problem.

  13. DC Teachers, its time to fight back! We have stood by the side line for too long. How long will we continue to allow Rhee to destroy our lives? Many teachers have become ill, depress, and some due to stress have lost their lives behind losing their jobs. Enough is Enough! We need to unite and take back what the enemy has stolen from us. Our pride, dignity, and respect. Rhee definitely knows how to divide and conquer. She now trying to entice us with the contract. Please don't allow the dollar signs to cloud your minds. "For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his soul" Be mindful that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

  14. I just couldn't believe what I had heard concerning the surplus. It was a total shock. Either Michelle Rhee feels she is untouchable, or the DC teachers are running scared!!! It's time to put on our war clothes and fight the good fight. I know God has not given us a spirit of fear, so why has it taken us so long to join force and shut her down? How much more are we going to allow? The time is now!!!

  15. Every teacher should step out of their buildings on Monday April 19th before testing begins to show that this is just the beginning of what WE can do, because WE KNOW THAT WE have the power to SHUT IT all down until June 22nd. "OH SORRY I WAS "JUST DREAMING", but what a "WONDERFUL DREAM"!!!!!!!!!

  16. Sooooo Candi,am I to understand these facts:
    1. teachers' raises were going to be funded by the money that was saved by riffing the 266 + teachers with fabricated reasons. (34 MILLION PLUS INTEREST)

    2. additionally the money saved by firing the 20 + from central office without just cause.(29 MILLLION PLUS INTEREST) another unexplained source of surplus money. All this surplus money has always been there. It was just a matter of how MR and company were going to explain the surpluses.

    so Candi this was part all part of a big plan.

    mr and associates
