The Washington Teachers' Union has rescheduled its 2nd Saturday WTU Executive Board meeting. This rescheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 15 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Center located on the Lower Level (LL) of 1825 K Street, NW. Parking is available next door to the union office in the parking garage and will be validated by the WTU.
I encourage our teachers and related school personnel to attend WTU Executive Board meetings throughout the year to address any concerns that you may have. WTU Executive Board meetings are normally scheduled every second Saturday @ 9:00 AM and the 4th Thursday of every month @ 5:30 PM at the WTU office located on 18th & K Street NW.
Posted by The Washington Teacher featuring Candi Peterson, blogger in residence
The teacher at my school think our building rep hasn't been to many meetings. This person only seems to look out for themself. Is there a way to check on our rep? He wont be honest if we ask. Thank you.
Anonymous @ 9:10 pm. I really am puzzled by your question. Building Reps. are suppose to represent and serve teachers, attend monthly representative assembly meetings and bring back information that they receive to all union members. In addition, they should hold monthly School Chapter Advisory meetings along with representatives on SCAC and meet with the principal monthly to address issues of concerns at the local school level and come up with recommendations as a group to make improvements. The LSRT also chairs the Local School Restructuring Team.
It sounds like your Building Rep. is not being honest because he is not attending meetings and therefore has no information to share. Other teachers in your building may attend monthly WTU Representative Assembly meetings which are generally the 4th Tuesday of every month @ 4:30 except during December. They are held at McKinley and I encourage you to come out.
George didn't want to meet with the executive board on Saturday because he had nothing to report! He is meeting with Rhee this Thursday night about negotiations on the contract!?!? Can you believe it? It can't be true...Has anyone heard anything about this???
OK, So I went to the Executive Board meeting last night and I only have one word to describe it CIRCUS. I understand now why I lost my job because they can do anything there... they couldn't even agree to start the damn meeting.
The good news is that a motion was passed to appeal the judges decision and continue the fight for teachers. The bad news is that most of the board abstained from the vote and our LEADER George Parker was against appealing for reasons that I am still not clear on. Most of the board members stated on the record that they have not even read the judges decision. I found that appaling these are people that were voted to the board to help all teachers yet they have not found the time to read the judges decision, a decision that effected 266 of the members. One board member even asked "how can we prove that there was no budge crisis?". Hello the City Council proved that did you not watch the hearings either. Another board member didn't even know the Judges' name.
The whole thing gave me a headache and made me angry. It is clear that we need new leadership, and not just George but these executive board members with their heads in the sand need to go too. George can't even control an executive board meeting. He didn't have the answers to the most basic questions. The attorney Lee Jackson that the union pays good money to every month could not even be bothered to be present so that the legal questions about the appeal, the judges decision, and the status of RIF'd executive board members and members could be anwered.
I could go on but I am getting mad all over again. If you don;t believe me I URGE you to make it to the next meeting, they are open meetings see for yourself what I am talking about.
Anyone hear what happened with the meeting this evening with Rhee? George and the negotiating team were supposed to meet with Rhee and her people this evening. Fill us in with any news!
Please tell the board that I'd love to give back my gift bag in exchange for a CONTRACT.
I don't need this crap with Parker's name plastered all over it. It's going right in the trash, because I'd be arrested if I disposed of it the way I'd really like. (That would require Mr. Parker's assistance, though. And it might hurt just a bit.)
Reply to Anonymous @ 7:12 pm on Dec. 17
I have not been advised of anything about Parker and the negotiating team meeting with Rhee. Anyone who knows anything let me know.
Yeah...really! All that crap!!! The union just wasted our money on that stuff! It is going right in the garbage! HATE IT! I know that Rhee told one of my colleagues that she was meeting with the union to discuss the contract this past Thursday. I haven't heard a word since then! Why don't we know if George and the negotiating team are meeting to discuss our contract? I can't wait until we get to BOOT this man out! Come on MAY!!!!
George is correct about not going back to court. You can not win if you do not have evidence. Speculation will not do it. It would be a waste of more money and time or the attorneys need to do their homework before going back to court.
The union has to do it right or not waste any more of members dues on proceeding with an injunction.
Why do we have to wait until May to vote George out of office? Surely we recognize in whose favor he operates-----and it is not for the union members! He has lost the right to represent us as far as I am concerned.
Topic Change:
Go to D2 Route to see an article written in the Baltimore Examiner about Michelle Rhee and DCPS!
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