I along with concerned others are involved in the DCPS Stories Project to gather the stories of DCPS teachers and staff , parents, students and other citizens regarding their experiences with DCPS educational reform. I encourage you to write your own personal story and send it to us. We are collecting first hand narratives from students, parents, community members and DCPS staff members to use to tell the full story of DCPS and put a face on it.
We are looking for your triumphs and your heartaches. Initially, these stories will be presented to the DC Council and Chairman Vincent Gray, and then possibly to the US Senate Sub-committee on Government Oversight. We want to hear from you. Your confidentiality is guaranteed.
To be the most effective, we need the following information in your story; your name, age or age range (i.e. over forty), your ward if you live in DC, your contact information and how you are related to DCPS (student, parent, staff or community member). We are only interested in first person accounts at this point in time. You can write your account as an email or as a Microsoft word document and attach it to an email and send it via email. Your confidentiality will be guaranteed. Please email all stories to dcstories@gmail.com You will receive a reply email that will ask to confirm some of your information so that we may maintain validity as much as possible. Please send this link on to other people you know who have a story to tell! We would like to have as many stories by July 31st as possible. We will continue accepting stories after July 31st. Thanks for your help.
Posted by The Washington Teacher, Picture courtesy of DCPS Stories Project
We are looking for your triumphs and your heartaches. Initially, these stories will be presented to the DC Council and Chairman Vincent Gray, and then possibly to the US Senate Sub-committee on Government Oversight. We want to hear from you. Your confidentiality is guaranteed.
To be the most effective, we need the following information in your story; your name, age or age range (i.e. over forty), your ward if you live in DC, your contact information and how you are related to DCPS (student, parent, staff or community member). We are only interested in first person accounts at this point in time. You can write your account as an email or as a Microsoft word document and attach it to an email and send it via email. Your confidentiality will be guaranteed. Please email all stories to dcstories@gmail.com You will receive a reply email that will ask to confirm some of your information so that we may maintain validity as much as possible. Please send this link on to other people you know who have a story to tell! We would like to have as many stories by July 31st as possible. We will continue accepting stories after July 31st. Thanks for your help.
Posted by The Washington Teacher, Picture courtesy of DCPS Stories Project
Thanks, Candi - Good idea. I'm forwarding this around and am getting ready to write something myself.
Great idea ! I think it is marvelous what you are doing.I will post a copy on my community list serve. Perhaps you should consider running for office because you are doing more than many of our elected leaders.
Thanks, Candi. This is a great idea!! You should also contact the EEOC to determine how many people have filed cases against DCPS since Rhee came in comparison with previous years. Data doesn't lie. Also contact OEA for data. Again, data doesn't lie. We could also try having a place where all people who have been trampled upon can voice their concerns.
This is a time when teachers, assistants, bus drivers, assistant principals, principals and central office people. There's an old saying that "Politics and crime are the same thing." Well, what Rhee is doing to the children in DC with Fenty's blessings and protection is criminal. At this point we need to work together politically to get rid of the malevolence she has brought to our nation's capital.
Candi, you're a blessing to people. You are not afraid and since you've already been targeted by Adderley, no one can do anything to you. Thanks for all you do!!
I suggest sending this to the Senators on Capital Hill who grilled Rhee at the GAO hearing. They are the only people who are in positions of power to help people. Not being rude but the Council has been sitting by idle as things have been done. With Bowswer as Fenty's hand-picked successor and other plants throughout the city, how can the Council do anything?
Thanks Anonymous for your compliment. The DCPS Stories project is an effort by not just myself and includes other committed people. All of the ideas aren't mine.
None of us are exempt from being retaliated against. I do believe that all of us are vulnerable under the current administration whether we speak out or not. I am human too and at times feel apprehensive about speaking out. Right now I am walking by faith.
My colleagues and I endured an abusive and retaliatory administrator for 7 long years. Some of us decided to fight after about 4 years of many injustices. Had we not, I am sure this administrator would still be working for DCPS. Hence my motto- No reign of terror lasts forever. Tis true.
While I agree with Anonymous that the DC stories should be forwarded to the Senate. Some of our members still want to deal with the council and give them the opportunity to do the right thing. I understand where you are coming from. Many times the council's actions are not in line with their rhetoric.
I think the information, then, in acknowledgement of your point, Candi, should be sent to the DC Council with a copy to the Senate Subcommittee. I feel the mayor has done things to tie the hands of the council members. (As an aside, strange as it may seem I wouldn't be surprised if the mayor was behind the vast negative publicity about Marion Barry -- just a thought.) At any rate, if the information goes to the Council and the Senate Subcommittee is copied, it will force them to act.
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