DC teachers and school personnel ratified a five year WTU contract (2007-2012) of which three years have already passed. The WTU contract has been three years in the making by chief negotiator teachers union president George Parker. For those active union members who were working in 2007 - they will receive retro active pay raises dating back to 2007. For those who began working after 2007, they will receive retro pay dating back to their start date with DCPS. According to the WTU Tentative Agreement: "The 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and the appropriate portion of the 2009-2010 raises shall be paid retroactively to all DCPS employees who are members of the WTU bargaining unit as of the date of WTU ratification of this agreement and all WTU bargaining unit members who were separated or retired as a result of the November 2009 Reduction-in-Force. Retroactive payment of raises shall be made following ratification of this agreement by the WTU membership and approval by the DC Council."
Teachers who retired prior to the 2009 reduction in force, although union members during the contract period have been excluded from receiving retroactive pay raises and will have to file unfair labor practices if they want to see any of their money.
While the contract is more than just pay raises and gives Chancellor Rhee greater reign to fire teachers and school personnel, reactions varied from highs to lows on news of the contract ratification today. I am curious what was your reaction to the ratification of the Washington Teachers Union contract ? I am particularly interested in hearing from those DC teachers and school personnel who will remain in school year 2010-2011. Please feel free to weigh in with your comments.
I'm a veteran DC teacher who was thinking of going to one of the neighboring counties. With this raise, I'm going to stay at least another year. The money's good but if this coming SY proves intolerable, I will take my skills, experience and strong resumé and head for PG or MoCo.
I am personally and deeply disappointed that the contract was ratified. It appears as though the 1842 teachers that voted "Yes" either did not realize, or did not appreciate the fact that due to "Impact", teachers can be fired for no legitimate reason. Despite this scenario, I continue to wait for the results of WTU's investigation related to my question as to why the Union did nothing to address the inappropriate appointment of Psychology Program managers, who are not the most competent people, who are establishing policy in the DCPS psychology department, and who will make decisions as to whether or not psychologists keep their jobs.
I think many teachers simply hoped to get some money out DCPS before leaving voluntarily, or getting fired, RIFd or excessed.
They know their union has not been behind them. Many would have left already if they thought they could find another job. But considering the bad economy and how Rhee has blacklisted them, they feel hopeless and just bet on getting as much money as they can before the ax falls.
Perhaps voting against the contract seemed like being a martyr to the cause of public education – a cause with few champions these days. Instead, public school teachers are being browbeaten to submission. Self preservation is the operative mode.
Why weren't there at least half of us voting on this contract. As predicted we perform like "Parking Lot" Militants. When you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
I voted no, and those who voted yes have given Michelle Rhee a great deal more power. Michelle Rhee now has cart Blanche to excess teachers, IMPACT OUT teachers and treat them like dirt during the entire process. This might be called a pay rise, I call it severance pay. We sold our few rights over money, now we will have to live with it. If things become unbearable I hope that we develop the collective strength and STRIKE. George Parker and Randi Weingarten have opened the flood gates, this contract will be pushed on on other jurisdictions as a model of reform.
I am pissed. I have no idea why someone would vote for this contract. But all I have to say is when the pink slips start coming I hope that your little pay raise will be of some comfort to you. As for the pay for performance, there is no money to fund that program and it doesn't even start until 2011 SY. Some of you won't even be in the system by then. You let George Parker, Randi Weingarten and Rhee sell you a bill of goods but don’t come running to the union when you get in trouble because you gave away your rights when you voted yes.
Two Questions?
Doesn't Anacostia have more than one principal? If yes, which principal is not returning?
Too bad for the principal at Coolidge, she was a TFA.
Rhee nor Fenty care about how they ruin people's lives! Your career is tainted if you worked in DCPS whether true or not. Peoples perception is the killer!
I am worried about what will happen to many union members in the long term. Many teachers are now being told they have been excessed. Now I am wondering what will happen to them with this new contract. It doesn't sound good. They missed the job fair. Also I know some high school teachers at Coolidge SHS who got some really low IMPACT scores. They probably will be terminated. This is going to be a bumpy ride for all of us.
Stop Fenty's. Rhee's and Parker's Madness.
Vote Gray for Mayor
Vote Saunders for WTU president
Rhee will go to live happily with Kevin 'the molester' Johnson
I am very pleased that the contract was approved! It is a new day in DCPS. It is time to show the nation that we only want teachers that do their jobs in this district. I am tired of "covering for no shows" and walking by classrooms where teachers are sipping coffee & talking on their cell phones all day! We are finally going to get paid like the professionals we are! If you are doing your job, there is nothing to worry about!
What happened at Coolidge?
Wow...I have to sue to get my retro. I heard Cardoza SHS principal will be fired and Kenny Parker at Kramer JHS.
Anonymous @ 9:30 am
I doubt that you are actually a DCPS teacher. As an itinerant staff person who travels to many schools, it already is a new day. I visit many classrooms across this city and do not believe that teachers are sipping coffee and talking on cell phones all day. This just isn't our reality. If that were to occur- then the educational leader (the principal) ought to be held accountable for allowing this to happen which I sincerely don't believe.
It is a shame you feel compelled to lie and bash DC teachers to make a point. Teachers in this city are working hard. Didn't you get the Rhee memo about the rise in test scores. Who do you think is responsible for this rise? DC teachers. Don't bother to answer because it is a rhetorial question. btw I'm not publishing any more of your bashing of DC teachers because I smell a central office paid by Rhee rat.
to the anonymous at 9:30 AM - are you really a teacher? You sound like an automotron.
I think you meant Anonymous 9:30 is an automaton which is a self-operating machine. The word is sometimes used to describe a robot, more specifically an autonomous robot.
When Michell Rhee and Fenty were hiring new white teachers, they were getting ready for the ratification of the new contract they can fire veteran teachers with. Remember, most of the teachers that voted for the contract were new teachers with 1 or 2 years of experience with DCPS and 1 or 2 more years to stay in DCPS. Therefore, they care less about your contract, they want more money for the short period of time they experiment on DCPS students.
Also, they were told to join the union at the last minutes. Folks, when you were sleeping, they were strategizing on how to enslave majority of you with the help of your house Nig George Parker.
It is my hope that our DCPS educators understand exactly the ratifications of the WTU Contract.
One important question comes to mind.
How many pink slips are needed to fund the WTU Contract?
Now is definitely the time to vote for a NEW WTU President, DC Mayor and a DCPS Superintendent in 2010.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!!
I voted for the contract because I really wanted the raise and because I am not worried about my IMPACT scores. Its not that hard to get a good IMPACT score, in my opinion anyway.
For anonymous at 9:30, one of those teachers yapping on the cell phone is the guy Amnada Ripley praised in The Atlantic as a great teacher.
He wears his bluetooth device all day (he also enters his classroom after the kids have already been there a bit).
Anyway, 2 thoughts one good, one bad:
While this will make the professional educational "reformers" and their campfollowers (like Jo-Ann Armao, Amanda Ripley, and Steven Brill) happy,
I doubt this means DCPS will suddenly become as good as the school systems in the surrounding area, nor that the gains on the NAEP test will double or triple.
Miss Rhee is not about truly improving the education of ALL students.
The list of those who receive this bonuses will be public record and used to bully those who don't buy into the facade.
Good luck to all of you in DCPS.
For the person who wrote me about my allowing the term house negro, I have allowed it and I do not see its use as offensive. Like it or not this term is part of our history and represents how some people really feel about George Parker. I think that sometimes the use of strong language is appropriate to convey ideas in certain instances. I do not apologize for the use of the term as I don't agree that it weakens my credibility as a blogger. I am truly sorry however, if some here find it so offensive that they will refrain from visiting The Washington Teacher blog.
Wikepedia defines the term House Negro (aka house nigger) as a pejorative term for a black person, used to compare someone to a house slave of a slave owner from the historic period of legal slavery in the US. The term comes from a speech, Message to the Grass Roots, given by African American activist Malcolm X, where he explains that during slavery, there were two kinds of slaves: "house Negroes," who worked in the master's house and "field Negroes," who performed the manual labor outside. He characterizes the house Negro as having a better life than the field Negro, and thus unwilling to leave the plantation, and potentially more likely to support existing power structures that favor whites over blacks. Malcolm X identified with the field Negro. The term is used against individuals, in critiques of attitudes within the African American community, and as a borrowed term for critiquing parallel situations.
Candi is right about using the term 'house-nig' or house-negro. There are other phrases that can be used to describe George Parker, "handkerchief-head, Uncle Tom, spook, there are many more that I will not list here. These terms are a part of United States history. Get over feeling bad because G. Parker was called a name. This man sold his union members out.
What a sad day for DCPS teachers. I am applying to become a teacher in this district, as I want to give back to my community (I am a DC native, a product of DCPS- '02 Coolidge graduate) and I truly believe, after now being out of college for three years and allowing myself to mature and truly learn the teaching profession from the outside and serving as a paraprofessional this year, that I can be a strong young black male role model for my students.
I took the time to read the contract, and discuss it with my colleagues at my school. I also read the IMPACT criteria, and quite frankly, I am strongly considering withdrawing my application and applying to school districts elsewhere. This contract is downright scary. I'm all for accountability, and if you're not doing your job, which is educating students, then you deserve to be fired. However, there must be a fair process to how this is done. Veteran teachers are not the problem. They are here to show the young pups like myself how things are supposed to be done. To be a mentor, someone to come to for support.
Sure, I want to make money, but I refuse to be a sacrificial lamb, a scapegoat, crash test dummy and punching bag for Michelle Rhee and her band of crooks. Those of you who voted for this contract only looking at the 21.5%, I hope your resumes are polished because a RIF is coming this summer, and again this fall. Raises borne on the backs of fired teachers.
Our children deserve better than this.
It wasn't just the money I voted for. I'm not worried about the Impact component of the contract either, and I'd like to see what kind of PD they offer. It'll probably still be bad, but it can't be worse than what they do now. So what's the problem? Nothing, in my opinion.
Thank you, for your dedication in keeping teachers informed on various issues concerning DCPS teachers. Continue to keep the faith and stay strong-you are appreciated.
More news about Coolidge, Dunbar, and Anacostia from those in the know. What about the management companies at all 3 schools, are they still there or are they gone too? They got big money for managing and taking over these schools this is big news, did they do the hiring and firing or was it Rhee? It thought things were getting better at all 3 schools.
very depressed.
Well, I guess those who ratified the contract are pleased. Michelle Rhee knew if she would dangle money in our face, she would get her way. Money will allow you to make decisions that are not always good for you. Time will tell if the decisions of the teachers were worth the money. The next step is to vote for a Union President who will make a difference. This picture is bigger than we think! It is very sad that we have allowed this. Teachers all over have given up. I guess they are tired of fighting. This is not our battle anyway.
I understand that the DC_CAS data will be available at the end of this month. I think that the scores will be used to eliminate many of the teachers before shortly after the WTU election but BEFORE the mayoral election. With this contract, it will be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for fired teachers to complain or gain much sympathy from the general public. Fenty no longer needs Wards 7 and 8 to win an election. Teachers I spoke to voted for the contract because they wanted to get paid BEFORE MR put into place the other part of her agenda. Most veterans are prepared to go.. this buyout is extremely attractive. I voted NO because I wanted a better workplace.. so much for that. As a teacher, I am finding it hard really to work up any sympathy for other teahers. I am just looking for another job...
Interesting article on the legal implications of evaluating teachers using test data
I am a probationary teacher who may get excessed this year. I voted no on the contract. I understand from reading this blog that if I didn't find a principal to pick me up, I will be out of a job in 60 days. I need my job and I have worked hard this year. Why would our union negotiate this in a contract? What was the point in hiring new teachers if the chancellor is only going to turn around and fire us.
to anon at 5:13 - The chancellor likes hiring and firing people -- that's all the sense it makes.
She doesn't care about you or the effects it has on students.
It is a power trip for her.
Its all about the C.R.E.A.M.----cash rules everything around me.
This is a sad day in DCPS...I am seriously depressed. I will be "fine-tuning" my curriculum vitae this summer and begin "shopping" around other counties. Worked in DCPS since I was 24 years old and I am now 38. I consider myself a "veteran" teacher. I was taught by veteran teachers who supported and criticized me with love. I am appalled that the contract came down to money.
My reaction is that chicken George Parker is a sell out. He is a liar as well. I can't wait for DC teachers to get him out of office! He is a disgrace to teachers and progressive union leaders everywhere. Among other labor leaders here in DC, Parker is the laughing stock.
As a charter school teacher in DC with a Masters degree and over seven years of experience, who has been shopping around my curriculum vitae since the beginning of 2010, if your plan b is to shop around your resume/curriculum vitae to local districts at the end of June then you are in for a rude awakening. NO ONE IS HIRING. And, anyone who may have been hiring has already received hundreds if not thousands of applications from local applicants in addition to all of those NY, NJ, et al RIF'ed teachers and/or has already selected the candidates who will fill their openings for the 2010-2011 school year. I feel sorry for these soon-to-be excessed teachers because there are not a lot of options out there for you at this point.
Candi, is there any way you can find more information out about the termination of the principal of Kramer? Out of all the principal terminations, I am the most curious about this one because Mr. Parker has been there a pretty long time. Out of all the terminations, I think he might be the one who has been at his school the longest. Even though I only met him a few times, he always seemed like an intelligent young man who sincerely cared about all of his students. I have never heard not one person say anything about him. Can you find out any more information? WHY was he let go? How is the Kramer community reacting about this? If you or anyone else reading this could answer these questions, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
I don't think we were well represented by Parker or Weingarten. Is there any way we can switch our union to be under NEA?
Has anyone ever sat down and done the math about how much each teacher is paying to the WTU? It is $30 a pay check, multiplied by 26 pay checks a year (52 weeks in a year and a check every other week), and that adds up to $780 a year. My spouse is also a teacher in DCPS, so we pay $1560 a year to the WTU. What in the world are they doing with all that money?!?!?! How many teachers are there in DCPS? I beleive there are about 4,000. 780 multiplied by 4000 is $3,120,000 a year. That is not right! As far as I know (I could be wrong), I have benefited in no way from the union, well at least not $780 worth. People are of a mentality that you just must have a union, well, would anything actually have been different this year if we didn't have the union? Without the union, we would have $780 more dollars, and the result of the RIF and everything else would have been exactly the same!
All the interaction I have had with the WTU employees on the few occasions I have called in has been unpleasant. I hate to say it, but I think our union is a waste of time and A LOT of money.
I would love (well, actually hate) to see how much of our union dues were spent by the WTU on the multiple contract ratification supporting fliers that were sent to my house as well as put in my mailbox at school. Each one (I ended up with 5 of them) were printed in color on expensive glossy paper stock. What a ridiculous waste of resources!
Now that the contract has been ratified, how will the retroactive pay go for those leaving the system and/or retiring but have served their time (this year and/or previous years) without a contract? Will it be a lump sum as soon as the DC Council approves the contract? Will the council drag it's feet to wait until late summer or the beginning of next year so that many of us leaving the system won't reap the financial benefits of retroactive pay?
It's only 2 years until 2012, better get to work on the next contract so that it will be ready by 2014!!!
The winning vote was 4 to 1. So most of you were only interested in a pay raise. There was not one ounce of principle in your carping. Two thousand peole did not even vote. Thank God for Marin Luther King, because if we werewaiting onthis bunch to sve us, wed would all still be in slavery.
Our Union is what we the members make it. We the members must demand that the people we elect as president and vice-president do the will of the members. I would not leave my union because of George Parker. I hope that people would look beyond the money. BTW we have to wait until October 2010 for the DC Council to approve or disapprove this bogus contract. I voted no to the TA, I'm sorry a lot of my fellow union members went for the money. All that glitters is not gold. If we break our Union, then we are no different than Parker, Rhee, and Fenty. All three of these losers are not to be trusted. It is time for a change in leadership, I will be voting for Saunders/Candi P.
Actually, "the hire and fire" recruitment strategy is a well-known style of management that many businesses use in an attempt to achieve immediate results. The problem is, education is not a "big business"; it is a public service. Thus, we need employees who will be in it for the long-haul. Children need consistency and stability, and they won't find that in schools where staff is constantly changing from month to month due to RIFs, terminations, etc. You can read more about this style of management here:
I tried to vote no on the contract.
The phone method wouldn't accept my vote. The internet wouldn't accept my vote, so I mailed it. I bet it still wasn't accepted. I called the Saunders, he never responded.
NO, NO, No!! I was robbed of my vote.
anonymous @ 8:06
There was correspondence from the WTU on what to do if you had problems with voting. Hopefully you received it. There was an 800 number to call to address concerns of this matter.
reply to topryder1 :
It is my understanding that there are 3400 full dues paying members who were eligible to vote. It was reported that 1800 voted which is a little more than half of the full dues paying members. This number of voters is pretty consistent for WTU elections.
It's unfortunate that teachers voted for the pay increase instead of reading the contract and seeing flaws. I'm also concerned with teachers whose places are to stay a couple of years to grab the money and run. Those of us who look at DCPS as a lifelong career are in jeopardy of being IMPACTed out of the district and losing our pensions.
I was also shocked to talk to colleagues who never bothered to vote as they thought it would make no difference.
Anonomous (June 4, 2010 1:08 AM),
In regard to the prinipal at Kramer, one good thing I will say about him was that he had good control over the school. The halls were always clear and quiet. I was a little confused why he didnt allow them to have recess however.
I do know for a fact that he bullied many of his staff members. This, in my opinion was very counterproductive to getting to the business of serving the children.
As for why he was let go, I have no idea.
Anonymous at 11:53
From what you are saying, it definitely sounds like what I expected: that there was no good reason to let the principal of Kramer go. How many principals at the secondary level in Ward 8 can you say have "good control" over their schools? Can anyone honestly say Kramer is better off now that this principal is gone? Something definitely sounds rotten with this termination.
To 752am June 3 commenter:
Your conclusion that M. Rhee likes to hire and fire has no fact supporting it. Yes, she has done a lot of both, but that does not mean she likes it. Both are tough, no matter how well done.
As for not caring about the teachers or students, I think you have to refer to her own well known belief that teachers are most pivotal in education. So, you could say she cares to the extreme about the role of teachers and about her own view of the quality we have had or not had in DCPS.
Finally, I do not know what facts one could marshall about her not caring about the kids. She says she cares often; you and others constantly mock her. But if you recognize the stock she puts in the role of teachers, and the plain-sight indications that the system has been on a steep decline for many years, it is hard to say she does not care about delivering improved education.
Yes, I am aware you think she is just trying to place TFAs and give contract opportunities to ed. companies and to charters. But there is no evidence worth further argument.
And I must say I am startled, as are many others, that nearly half of DCPS teachers did not even care to vote on the contract. That could say a lot of things, none of them good. I can just hear the parents wondering about the non-voters trying to motivate and educate their youngsters if they do not even care about their own professional futures.
@June 5th 8:09 The parents and students should take a very critical look at Fenty, Rhee, and Parker, as it relates to their future. The Three-Rats (Fenty/Rhee/Parker) do not have your students daily lives in mind. The Three-Rats could care less about DCPS students academic futures. Case in point, Ms.Rhee started bashing the teachers of DCPS and supporting employees from day one of her arrival. I have not heard of any other school system's leader publicly demoralize their staff, and teachers, but Ms. Rhee. One could only imagine what the children and parents are thinking. Does anyone in the DCPS system care about our children? Teachers face the giants of societal ills( poverty, ignorance,lack of motivation, and negative information, via-technology), daily while interacting with children. This school system needs a new leader that really cares about educating all students.
I did take the time to vote no on the contract because I vote on all matters related to WTU or political
elections period. I wonder though if any votes were lost or not received when one voted as I did on the internet. I will not believe
that with the year that we have had this year that anyone could feel apathetic. There has been a systematic attempt to curtail advocacy or freedom to have an opinion which may be in conflict with the Rhee philosophy within this system. Just follow the firings and illegally conducted RIFs and you see a pattern!!!!!
As a tax payer/resident in DC
I am ready for Rheeform to relocate and take the bullying tactics with them because it is destroying the positive, supportive, emotional climates we are trying to maintain in the local schools. I have always believed that teaching is a calling which requires trainning and to have one without the other will not work. One must be intrinsically motivated to do this job because it is is an admirable but thankless job. It is a career choice requiring professional trainning and not a intern site to land on while you wait to figure out what you really want to do!!
Let's stop the experimentation and suppression of diversity of thought in this system! Improvement will take resources, collaboration, professionalism and thinking out of the box about how to actively engage our children in the education process.
It is sad that some teachers did not vote. I did not vote. Not because I did not want to but I did not receive a ballot. I found it odd though that every week I received something from WTU but not the ballot. I was told that I could call my vote in or go online after it was too late. Calls to the WTU office was left unanswered. It makes me wonder how many other people where in my position. Although I am not a teacher , I am also apart of the WTU as a service provider.
To Anon at 8:09:
How do you know that the half who did not vote, did not attempt to vote using the phone or internet system?
I have heard time and time again about people who called the 800 number several times only to get a recording. Once they were sent the userid number, they still could not successfully vote.
Let's not jump to conclusions.
I would concur that there are people who don't vote in elections.......similar to our country's presidential elections,
but that does not mean people don't care about their country or, in this case, their profession.
I was a full dues paying member my whole career then all of a sudden this month, I was told I was not. Somehow the money stopped coming out of my paycheck recently. When I questioned it, I was told I had to sign up all over again. There was some shady business going on during this election of the WTU tentative agreement. Even though all this literature comes to my house from the WTU, I never received a ballot. How is it that you are a member for years then suddenly no longer a member?
So I was wondering, now that the contract has been ratified (good, bad or indifferent, it happened) does anyone know when the city council is planning on voting and where did they hear this, I know one person wrote october, but did not mention if this was from a reliable source. Thanks
Perusing recent comments, I am afraid we easily slip into victimhood and powerlessness. Ya know, you CAN do something about a ballot nonreceived, or a phone-voting system not working. Be persistent, scream "bloody murder" and you could have voted. I hate it when we are powerless.
The WTU is the way it is because of teachers' wishes or inactivity and passivity in the past few years, right? The devil didn't do it. There is hope in some of the emerging leaders--but not to wage war, so to speak, against DCPS.
We have had for decades home rule and self government in the District. We elected this mayor and the City Council Members. Oh, I see, about half of us don't vote in anything. That turns out to be too bad--for us. Did we learn a lesson?
As for DCPS management, we need to live with what we got. Even if Mayor Fenty loses, Mr. Gray is going to keep Ms. Rhee. That is obvious. And a bunch of teachers trying to fight some rear-guard action to overturn or violate or obstruct implementation of a contract just approved by the teachers--regardless of the many non-voters--is going to get cold receptions from all of these: parents (vigorously), DCPS management, DC Schools Supt., mayor (either F or G), Chair and almost all City Council Members, AFT.
The people of the District want to get on with it and achieve constructive change in our schools.
A bunch of grievances and lawsuits, real or dreamed up, are not going stop the momentum. Obviously, we have many fine teachers, and a lot of them believe they can perform and perform well under the new contract. Those who do, one would think, would have little to worry about. And the pay's good, even if the work is hard. Teachers did not choose this line of work because it is easy.
Hi Candi,
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