Featuring Candi Peterson, blogger in residence
The email below was written by an elected member of our elections committee condemning Washington Teachers' Union President George Parker and his failure to hold union membership meetings as promised and required under the WTU Constitution and by-laws. Thomas O'Rourke who also is a teacher and building representative at Roosevelt Senior High School notes that the elections committees efforts to conduct our teachers' union elections have been impeded by President George Parker's failure to turn over the necessary documents (i.e. membership lists and nominating petitions). Tom's correspondence reiterates what Claudette Carson, WTU Elections chairperson has been saying all along that Parker's refusal to cooperate with the elections committee has effectively cancelled this years scheduled election (due to be held in May, rescheduled by AFT to June) and will prolong his (Parker's) term in office beyond June 30, 2010 which O'Rourke notes is a theft of our union resources. Tom states that Parker deserves impeachment which I believe is a constitutional remedy for dictators like Parker. He (O'Rourke) demands an immediate convocation of a trial committee to be formed to address the crimes Parker has committed and believes that his email will fall on deaf ears by Parker as it's his style to ignore the requests of union members.
I can only imagine that our American Federation of Teachers' national union President Randi Weingarten and Al Squire, AFT representative will continue to duck their 'proverbial heads' in the sand all the while taking our close to a million dollars in dues monies claiming they don't want to get involved in local matters. Does O'Rourke's email speak for you? Should we save our union and impeach George Parker ? Do we need to take this matter to court or is time to do both? All I know is that in the words of an ole' school Gladys Knight song: It's Time For You To Go Now- Parker that is! Read the email below and share your thoughts.
June 16, 2010
George Parker, (Copied to AFT President Randi Weingarten, Al Squire-AFT )
"You have either forgotten to call a General Membership Meeting this month or never intended to do so, in which case you were lying to us (again) at the last delegate meeting. Your cynical manipulation and trampling of union democracy and worker tradition is both sad and disgusting and is directly responsible for the continuing decline of this union. In addition, your blockage of the election committee's duty to stage an election for officers, thus prolonging your term in office is theft of union resources -- unless you take no salary between the official end of your term and installation of either yourself or a new slate -- for which you will be held accountable. You deserve impeachment for these crimes against our union, conviction of said crimes, removal from office, ouster from this union and any and all working class organizations, and to be forever seen as an agent of management and traitor to the cause of the unionism.
I am thoroughly disgusted with your crimes and -*demand a convocation of a trial committee to specifically address these charges against you*. I know that, given the great amount of power under this Constitution you have, you will likely ignore this email and go on about your way, but know this: I, and others will make it our business to let the entire membership know of your nefarious conduct, your lack of accountability or even shame, and your cynical lies. I demand your immediate action on this demand of a trial committee or your resignation in which case, your final, official action shall be to turn over the necessary information to the election committee so that a democratic election be held immediately."
Thomas O'Rourke
Elections Committee member
Building Representative
Roosevelt HS
I never thought I'd see the day when (in my opinion) Barbara Bullocks crimes pale in comparison to George Parkers!!!
He's taking our money and using the union against us!!!
I'm for an immediate ouster/impeachment. He should not be getting a dime of salary beyond June 30. Any monies he takes after that date must be reimbursed. I say don't wait on any action from him, as he has already shown his stripes. I wouldn't wait for Randi either, since they are obviously in cahoots with one another.
Go for court action (i.e., immediate injunctive relief to force him/AFT to turn over appropriate documents, so that the tenets of the constitution regarding timely election of officers can be upheld).
I and many colleagues have no confidence in GP. Remove him immediately!
Parker you can run but you cant hide. Time will run out. This makes me REALLY want to vote for you.
Yes, George Parker must be brought to Justice for all the crimes against the Washington Teacher's Union. Impeach and go straight to court. He knows there is no chance for him to win the union election with all the payback he gets and expecting to get from Fenty, Rhee and Randi Weingarten.
Rhee would love to see Parker impeached by his own members, after they voted for the contract. She'd play it that teachers hated Parker and loved her.
Who knows, she may be out of a job too, come September.
Well George:
The spotlight is on you!! You had an opportunity to submit your petition by April 30, 2010 and you chose not to do so!
It's time to release the appropriate documents to the Election Committe Chairperson, Ms. Claudette Carson and let it go!
Let the WTU membership vote by June 30, 2010. It's time for you to move on!
At the end of the day, it is not worth the unnecessary stress to continue to support Rhee's agenda.
Do the right thing to support the WTU membership and let our colleagues vote NOW!!
It's soooo hard to say "Good Bye."
Don't worry, Rhee and Fenty will join you in the Fall 2010.
Oust Parker by any means necessary. I vote yes for impeaching him and going to court.
I just got excessed. Parker is the reason for all this bad stuff we are going thru. Everybody is without a good job in DCPS now. Why am I not feeling good about this new contract? Everytime something happens to teachers it always leads back to George Parker. I am talking to friends in other schools and it seems like alot of teachers are now without job security. How could this be good? How could this happen? I am hurting bad and I do not think Parker is the person to help me but he will not get out of the way so I can get help.
Fix your comment button on the your homepage. I almost skipped it because it says Zero./// Great comments posted here.
Impeach the bastard.
I can not think of a time when a strong union is needed more! PArker is weakening the union by the day. Impeach!
It is a blogger.com problem that I have no control over. Seems like its working now.
Impeach-I agree.
Excellent blogging, Candi. George's time as President has run its course. It's time for him acknowledge the errors of his ways and "do right" by the membership.
If you did not vote on the contract, you have no right to complain. If more members had voted, the contract could have been defeated.
Now we will continue to hear about teachers who are being terminated and excessed.
Everyone had a responsibility to vote. Your vote counts!
WTU Members should demand to vote!
Let's continue to alert the membership, the media, the community BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
This has got to stop! After June 30, 2010 George Parker is stealing our money and so are the other paid staff members.
Wow ! Can Parker go to prison for such actions ? This is incredible !
What do we need to do? What does the constitution say about impeachment. Let's have a meeting, let's organize, and let's get it done!!
Get 'er done!
Maybe the Justice Department should get involved. How can he demand justice and equality for teachers if he does not practice what he preaches. I agree all salaries paid after June 30 should be reimbursed.
George Parker sent out another one of his emails blaming everything on the AFT. Hogwash. I never believe anything Parker says and what a waste of resources. Parker's time has come and gone. He has gotta go by the June 30 deadline.
George Parker sent out another one of his emails blaming everything on the AFT. Hogwash. I never believe anything Parker says and what a waste of resources. Parker's time has come and gone. He has gotta go by the June 30 deadline.
Instead of Impeaching George, the member's of WTU should weigh options with other national unions. George Parker does not care about the $29.61 teachers pay every two weeks out of the checks. Since the Rhee and Parker have bonded together to get rid of the teachers in DC for over 3 years straight, teachers have no job security or respect. Teaching is one of the oldest respected professsions and we have had enough! We need to stand together and fight for Respect and Job Security without George Parker and Michelle Rhee. We can join together and form our own independent union. For $29.61 every two weeks under a Independent Union, then George Parker won't matter any more. Teacher's Take A Stand and Fight For Respect and Job Security!
You guys have been through it and back ! I got up this morning at 4:oo AM to see who won the race between Fenty and Gray !Checkmate Fenty and the end !Has Rhee reform melted yet ? The scene in the movie Wizard of Oz ? "Help,I'm melting...." Ha,yeah and they got your broom too ! DC woke up and it was all a dream and some parts were a nightmare.Especially when those Rhee reform flying monkey character's came out !Auntie Em,oh and look it's Uncle ..... and Toto."It was all a dream Dorothy and it's over now." Follow The Yellow Brick Road or better yet, "Ease On Down The Road"....Congradulations Gray,have hope No Rhee and hooray ! ! "Don't you carry nothin that might be a load.....pack your bags Rhee Reform and hit the road.Slam dunk for Public Education and end that PL 107-110 ! Don't just change the name of it.CNN is on with Anderson Cooper and David Gergen's got it and knows it's a huge message to the establishment and educational reform not working !Good Job !
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