On Friday, September 10, 2010 - American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Executive Council will hold a previously scheduled hearing to determine whether the AFT will take control of the Washington Teachers Union (WTU). Earlier this month in U.S. District court, Judge Kottar-Kelley ruled that AFT stood a better chance of suceeding if they followed the law by holding a hearing on assuming administrative control of the WTU because "the law weighs in favor of the parent organization in these matters." Friday's hearing will begin at 1 pm and go to its conclusion. I am uncertain if union members will be allowed entrance.
WTU under the leadership of 'hold over' president George Parker (whose constitutional term ended June 30, 2010) and Executive Board members will have an opportunity to provide testimony at Friday's hearing. According to an August 26 letter sent to hold over president Parker from Randi Weingarten, the conduct of 'hold over' officials will be the subject of Friday's hearing and the following issues will be addressed:
1. "The actions by WTU Officers and Executive Board members in refusing to comply with AFT's Executive Council's August 4 Decision and order.
2. The actions by the WTU Officers and Executive Board members in obstructing the implementation of the AFT's executive Council and order.
3. The actions by the WTU Officers and Executive Board members in failing to follow the provisions of both its Constitution and Bylaws and the AFT Constitution and bylaws regarding the frequency of elections for officers and members of the Board.
4. The WTU Officers and Executive Board's violation of the local's Constitution and Bylaws by holding onto office beyond their elected terms and refusing to conduct internal elections in a timely manner.
5. The WTU Officers and Executive Board's violation of the democratic rights of WTU membership to vote for and elect leadership on the timetable set forth in the local's Constitution and Bylaws.
6. The WTU's failure to provide the AFT Administrator the materials and cooperation that he has requested to carry out the election is a violation of the WTU and AFT Constitution.
7. Allegations that the WTU Officers and Executive Board have retaliated against one or more insurgent candidates and have used their authority to improperly continue in office and to retaliate against or punish opponents."
Okay, show of hands.....who is tired of this fiasco?
I thought so! If AFT does not get it right this time, I will lose my mind.
Randi will deserve everything she gets from the other locals who will follow the WTU lead in holding on to office beyond your time.
You probably will not get many comments because teachers are praying for three activities in Washington DC. The first is that Vincent Gray will win the Mayor's race and the second is Rhee will get her own pink slip. The third is that George Parker's *ss will soon be out of a job because he has cause so many to lose their job. I read the court decision and was flubbed to learn that Parker outright called on Rhee and Peter Nickles to ban the AFT from DCPS. Who in the hell does he think he is? How dare he! All we need is a voting opportunity AFT to do the right thing for ourselves.
Time to move GP and the others out including the Executive Board members who allow such third world shenanigans to take place. Sadly, the AFT must come in and assume control over a rogue local. An WTU asks everyone for respect?!
I sincerely hope that AFT will get rid of Parker.I can't wait for this decision to come out.I will stay positive that Ms. Weingarten will finally get this right. Shame me once shame on you, shame me twice- shame on you. Hope Weingarten finally learned her lesson that Parker is a snake.
Thanks for keeping us updated on whats happening in the WTU.We got another needless robo call from Parker about the retro checks. Nothing about what he is doing about IMPACT.Parker should be challenging this evaluation but instead he is out celebrating with Rhee.
I guess that Parker was represented by our union attorney with teachers hard earned dues money.Can anyone tell me who paid for Parker's legal representation?
When will the outcome be announced?
I don't know when the outcome will be announced. Probably soon like next week.
It's time for Randi to take over the WTU! The members are footing the bill of this three ring circus! Enough is enough it's time for George Parker to go! He's a selfish prick head!
Anonymous @ 2:44
George Parker used the union law firm who is supposed to represent DC teachers. I couldn't help but wonder if the law firm ODonnell, Schwartz and Anderson represented the RIF'd teachers half as well, we probably would be working right now. I think Parker has spent thousands onhis law suit against AFT and at the hearing using our hard-earned dues money of course.
The ball is in your court and it's time to take Parker out of the game!!!
Enough is Enough!
Parker MUST GO!
The WTU Elections MUST BEGIN!!
Vote for Nathan Saunders for WTU President!
We can do better!!!
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