Well now it's been a little over one week since the American Federation of Teachers Executive Council held a hearing on the administratorship of the Washington Teachers' Union under the leadership of 'Hold Over' union president George Parker whose constitutional term ended June 30, 2010. George Parker refused to hold union elections this year as required by the WTU Constitution and failed to cooperate with the Elections Committee and now AFT President Randi Weingarten. As a result of Parker's refusal to hold elections, the AFT on September 17 issued a decision and order that they will take over the WTU. AFT has installed Al Squire, Southern Regional Director as the Administrator.
Never in the History of the WTU, has an administratorship been required for the purposes of conducting an election. The last time the AFT (WTU's parent organization) was forced to assume control of the WTU was in 2003 after former union president, Barbara Bullock stole five million dollars from WTU. Now that AFT has assumed control for a second time, expect that timely elections of union officers will soon be held. The September 17 decision and order from the AFT Executive Council reads as follows:
AFT's Conclusion
"In conclusion we find that the WTU members have a right to move forward as promptly as possible with an election for their WTU officers. Any further delay would be a violation of the members' rights that amounts to irreparable injury. Clear cut principles of union democracy and the members' rights to elect their leaders require AFT to step in. It is a positive development that WTU has recognized that the AFT should Run this election. However, under these circumstances, an AFT administratorship is the only remedy that will ensure that the WTU members are allowed to participate in a fair and democratic internal election."
AFT Order
1. Effective on this day (September 17, 2010) an administratorship for purposes of conducting the WTU internal elections shall be implemented.
2. Pursuant to Article VI, Section 15 (d) of the AFT Constitution, the Administrator under the direction of the AFT President or her designee, "will be authorized to ... take such actions as are necessary to protect the interests of the membership" in the conduct of the WTU internal election.
3. In light of the fact that the AFT and WTU constitutions, as well as federal labor law, have been violated by the delay in the conduct of the WTU's internal elections, the Administrator shall have the authority, where necessary to perform his election duties, to suspend the provisions of the WTU Constitution and Bylaws.
4. The WTU shall notify DCPS that AFT or its agents shall be provided access to the schools and the union bulletin boards for the purposes of carrying out the internal election. WTU shall also notify DCPS that AFT should be provided access to membership records.
5. The WTU shall provide AFT the necessary information and records in order to develop the voter eligibility lists, including the challenged ballot list for employees who are not on the current membership list but were on the June 30th list.
6. The WTU shall restore the pay and release time status of the General Vice President, Nathan Saunders forthwith.
7. Consistent with the provisions of the AF Constitution in Article VI, Section 15 (e) the administratorship shall be concluded with the internal election has been concluded and the officers installed.
After four months of waiting for union elections to be held, DC teachers and school personnel can finally look forward to voting for a new slate of officers. Our union elections are an important first step in removing 'hold-over' Union President George Parker so that we can get on with building and maintaining an active union and working on behalf of teachers, students and schools. We can do better. Vote Saunders/Peterson.
Fenty, Rhee, & George,
Bye! Bye! It's time for the liars and thieves to go! Now the three musketeers will see how it feels to be UNEMPLOYED!LOL! GOD reigns!
I guess Parker is saying now Lawdie, Ms. Rhee can you please help me? Thank you for the update. I have been following this story for sometime now.
I know Nathan has been waiting in the wings patiently. I heard from a collegue at HD Woodson. Nathan was starting to blend with the teachers and now it looks like he might be leaving. We need to watch this affair. It is exactly what was done before and we should get rid of that provision in the contract. George is a selfish petty man. It is a shame he had to go thru this because he fought for us. Tell him "this battle is not yours its the lords," victory is on the way soon. I look forward to voting AGAINST George Parker. He should not send anything else to my house, telephone number because he is a liar. My best girlfriend is out of a job. I got my retro money and I gave half to her. I felt so bad for her. She is a substitute teacher in Charles County, Md. She lives in DC. She has to drive all the way out there for money which barely covers gas.
Never again Fenty
Never again Rhee
Never Again Parker.
That is how he looked at the Vince Gray celebration party when he found out Fenty and Rhee lost the election.
If George's picture could speak, he would say, "I'm sorry Randi, Rhee made me do it!! I sold out the Washington Teachers Union and I didn't read the new contract before I signed it." Enough is Enough, George MUST GO with Fenty and Rhee!!
Parker looks terrible in this photo. I guess that's what happens when you lose control. I am glad to hear the elections will start soon.
Sounds like Randi Weingarten is backpeddling as usual. She should have kicked your president to the curb long ago.My guess is she likes Parker because he is basically a wimp she can control Watch what Randi does, she can't be trusted.
About time! And in the words of our next mayor (Gray) and native Washingtonian, M. Gaye, "Let's get it on!"
Hi Candi,
If you don't mind, I was wondering if you could speak about Saunders/Peterson's platform with regards to the terminated teachers? I understand that you may not be able to help everyone who was terminated, but is it possible we can get your promise that you can re-open as many cases as possible and help as many terminated employees as possible? Many of us were terminated through an unfair process without evaluations. As a result, our reputations have been tarnished and our employment records have been negatively impacted. A lot of us never received proper follow-up from the Union, and feel that the dues money we paid during our tenure in DCPS was wasted. I hope to hear either you or Nathan speak on this issue soon. Thanks, and keep up the good work on this blog!
I got another one of those stupid robo calls from Parker and he is covering up what happened. He is saying the WTU and AFT reached an agreement. He is such a liar.
I second what Anonymous @ 12:45 AM says.
I was told by a field rep that I'm part of a class action suit for those who were excessed/terminated, but I've received nothing from the WTU. Phone calls to them reveal a disturbing level of malfunction.
I submitted an appeal through the EAB because I simply can't trust the WTU to do anything right, but still, what the heck have I been paying dues for??
Yyyeeeaaaaaaa !
Hey hey hey goodbye Parker
This is great news that we all can cherish !
Kill me Please
Kill me Please
I deserve it,
I am and was a fool for Rhee and Fenty,
I thought I could be in their club with the billionaire boys,
I knew I don't have a billion dollars but who cares,
I am a poor farm boy from North Carolina who became the President of the WTU after my homegirl Barbara went up the river,
Those damn fool teachers should have never voted for me,
They did not do it in the past now they know why,
I wonder if my job opportunity with Rhee is over?
How could this have happened?
I hate Nathan and Candi
I hate Nathan and Candi
I hate Nathan and Candi
George Parker's Alter Ego,
God bless Nathan & Candi for all of their efforts in fighting for the rights of teachers in DCPS. I had a great time at the "Watch Party." Thanks for all of the extra activites that made the evening very special. Be blessed and know that I am keeping you lifted up in prayer.
Anonymous @ 12:45
Once the campaign season kicks off officially, the platform will be presented. Check the campaign website for updates @
I got an email from President Weingarten after I got off work about this very thing. You are good girl, your blog is always the first to report the news. I think The Washington Post ought to be hiring you on the education beat and kick Turque to the curb.
Anonymous at 8:48,
Thank you for seconding my comment! I was told the same thing about being part of a class action suit by my field rep., but I haven't received any follow-up in over a year! I would like to hear what Candi has to say about this issue, and what her and Nathan's platform is in terms of giving terminated teachers the follow-up they never received.
Candi, sorry, I posted that last comment before I read your post at 4:11. Thanks!
Will Nathan be reinstated at the WTU OR will he remain at Woodson?
Parker should look sick. He has ruined the WTU and will always be remembered as a first class sucker for Rhee and Fenty.
Finally, we should all have the news by now.
Ballots will be mailed to your home on October 13, 2010.
Ballots must be returned by October 24, 2010 in order to be counted!
Ballot count on October 27, 2010 at the AFT Office
DON'T Forget......everyone must vote because our constitution calls for the winner to have at least 51% of the vote. It's not enough to win, the new President must win by at least 51% to avoid having a run-off election (which means more time for Parker to stay in Office)
Don't let your ballot lay around when you receive it! Vote Early! That's the Vince Gray Way!
Parker & co. really sold teachers out, including the highly effective ones. Apparently, teachers who accept the bonus or increase in base salary (for achieving highly effective status) will also forego their right to an "extra year," buyout or early retirement if they are excessed and don't get placed. Granted, teachers who are highly effective may more than likely get placed, but it's the principal of not securing their position when they've proven to be top notch teachers. What message is Rhee & Gang trying to send, great teachers are not valued either and we don't care if they stay in system? BTW, did you catch her commercial on Oprah (can't call it an interview)? She mocked at the idea of teacher professional development and touted 1 example of poor teacher performance as if that speaks to the reason for firing over 1,000 teachers/employees since she's been Chancellor. It was disgusting and distasteful, really disappointed in Oprah for such reckless use of her show.
My predictionis there will be no bonus pay for highly effective teachers. First you have to work two years and have 2 highly effective ratings. Rhee will be long gone by then. The foundations are talking about pulling out when Rhee goes.
Im not sure if anyone saw the episode of Oprah featuring Michelle Rhee but I was appauled!!!
We really need to start a letter writing campaign to Oprah urging her to tell the ENTIRE story!!!
Is Rhee really in a movie now.
And, Pinder is still at Mckinley.
Did you get the new colorful and expensive flier for the Davis/Washington ticket.
It appears to give the impression that Gray is endorsing this ticket. I also hear that the Davis ticket is promising union jobs (sounds like GP)to loyal building reps.
I hope folks remember the lack of support for the teachers at Luke C. Moore last school year and how many were excessed out of the building while the building rep called them cowards for speaking out.
Finally some Great Journalism!
Thanks VP Peterson for your informative blog.
Please click on the link to sign our Petition to Oprah |asking her to invite Diane Ravitch onto her show http://bit.ly/cTbfdI
Diane is an expert in the history of public education, the author of the bestseller, "The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Undermine Education," and is extremely incisive about the problems with the current rage for high stakes testing and privatization of our public schools.
There is much more to the story than "Waiting for Superman" reveals, and it's important that all sides be heard.
To anon at 4:47 Saunders is at Woodson SHS. Principal said Saunders is there because Parker won't authorize his leave from DCPS. Parker is so afraid of Saunders and Candi winning that he does not want Saunders around to help teachers as he was elected to do. Parker doesn't understand this only makes him look like a wimp (although most of us already know that) ! He is a scared man and this proves it. Do I want a scared man to represent me as president????....I don't think so!
You know, only had to have the national organization step in twice in 10 years. So you have a functioning union for what, 2-3 out of the last 10 years, pathetic. This complete lack of ability to self-govern is what gives unions a bad name
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