Earlier last week I wrote an email to our Washington Teachers' Union president, Mr. George Parker and all executive board members after our regularly scheduled Thursday October 23rd board meeting was cancelled by our union president. I suggested that our board members step up to the plate in a 'show of leadership' to reschedule our board meeting ( see 10/23/08 post) . To date, I have not received a response from our union president. However, I did receive an email from the WTU ( as copied below).
October 27, 2008
"The WTU Executive Board will meet 5:30 p.m., Thursday, October 30, 2008, at the WTU Office. Please confirm your attendance or express regrets . Thank you." Herb Thomas
Although the WTU Attorney Lee Jackson was scheduled to present, he will be unable to attend this meeting due to a conflict with the rescheduled date. I invite all WTU members to attend our board meeting at the WTU office which is located at 490 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 7200 Washington, DC 20024 - telephone: 202-293-8600. Take 7th street south to Independence Avenue, turn left onto L'Enfant Plaza and the union office is midway up on your left next to the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel. Metered parking is available. Please email Mr. Parker in advance if you plan to attend c/o: gparker@wtulocal6.org
It's time for all hands on deck in a show of solidarity to ask questions and demand answers of your elected teacher union representatives about the status of our long awaited tentative agreement. Come watch as the executive board discusses next steps for the WTU. Hope to see you there ! Even if you are unable to attend, contact your elected union officer and share your concerns. Posted by The Washington Teacher.
AFT National Representative
George Bordenave (gbordena@aft.org)
General Vice President
Nathan A. Saunders (nsaunders@wtulocal6.org)
Joyce Armoo
Sallie Littlejohn- Woodson at Johnson Jr. High
Vice President Senior High
Robert Willis - Ballou Sr. High
Vice President Junior High
Willie Brewer - Jefferson Jr. High
Vice President Elementary
Lorraine J. Smith - Bruce Monroe ES
Vice President Special Education
Maria Angala - Jefferson Jr. High
Vice President Specialized Services
Andre' Maria Taylor - West ES
Vice President Career Development
Members at Large Senior High
Erich Martel - Wilson Sr. High
Milton Bruce Williams
Members at Large Junior High
Camille J. Locke - Hart Jr. High
Agnes Dyson - Woodson @ Johnson Jr. High
Members at Large Elementary
Deborrah L. Hines - Bears ES
Tenia Pritchard- Whittier ES
Pablo Giro'n - Oyster-Adams Bilingual School
Diane D. Terrell- Stoddart ES
Members at Large Specialized Services
Sheila H. Gill- McKinley TSHS
Gloria T. Everett- itinerant
Rashida Young- Moten @ Hamilton Center
Board of Trustees
Candi Peterson - Garfield ES
Jacqueline Hines - Walker Jones ES
1 vacant position
I would have loved to be there but my school is having Harvest Fest that night. I hope you will post what happens... even I cannot get word from Mr. Parker... good luck!
It's about time for the Executive Board members to step up! We elected all of them-not just Parker and Saunders- to protect the interest of the membership.
If they can't do their job, because of canceled meetings or because they are scared---- they need to speak up!
All of them are going to be out on their cans in a year or so.
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